1. Where is my order shipped from?
Answer: We work with fulfillment centers across various regions to deliver your order as quickly as possible. The fulfillment center closest to your location will process and ship your order.
2. Can I make changes to my order after it’s been placed?
Answer: We strive to process orders quickly, so there’s only a short window to make changes. Please contact us as soon as possible after placing your order, and we’ll do our best to accommodate your request.
3. Can I return or exchange an item?
Answer: Since each item is custom-made upon ordering, we typically do not accept returns or exchanges. However, if there is an issue with your order, please reach out, and we’ll work to make it right.
4. How do I choose the right size?
Answer: Each product has a sizing chart available on its product page. We recommend checking these charts and measuring for the best fit. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team for guidance.
5. What materials are used in your products?
Answer: Our products are made with premium materials that offer durability and comfort. Specific material details are provided on each product page to ensure transparency about what you’re purchasing.